Our solutions

Comprehensive Health Services

Our Tailored Solutions

At Kahneman & Keys, we offer a range of services designed to optimize both your physical health and cognitive abilities. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your well-being is addressed, providing you with the tools and support needed to achieve your health goals. Discover our specialized programs that are customized to meet your unique needs.

Nutrition (Body and Brain)

Achieve your ideal weight while enhancing brain function through a personalized nutrition plan. Our program focuses on caloric intake, macronutrients, hydration, and more to ensure you reach your health goals efficiently.

Brain Capacity Improvement

Boost your cognitive abilities with our tailored brain development program. Improve memory, concentration, and overall mental performance with techniques designed to enhance your intellectual capacity.

Optimize Your Health

Personalized Nutrition Plans

Our aim is to help you reach your ideal weight as efficiently as possible, while strengthening your brain function. We guarantee a 10% reduction in your body mass after 3 months. 

Each point will be tailored to your needs and specific criteria, recognizing that each individual has a unique metabolism and particular cognitive requirements, guaranteeing a truly exclusive and personalized approach.

Among the points we’ll address:

Unlock Your Mental Potential

Cognitive Enhancement Program

Our aim is to develop and improve your cerebral and cognitive capacities (increase your intelligence quotient).

Together, we will determine the areas to target to effectively stimulate your brain’s development. Our aim is to identify the most efficient and effective method for improving your overall brain performance, recognizing that each brain is unique and that each method will be tailored to your specific needs.

Our expertise will focus on: 

Invest in Your Health

Our Pricing Plans

At Kahneman & Keys, we believe in providing high-quality, personalized health solutions at competitive prices. Our programs are designed to offer comprehensive support and measurable results, ensuring you get the best value for your investment in your health and well-being. Choose the plan that best fits your needs and start your journey towards optimal health today.

Program + 6-week follow-up

1 visio per week

On demand

Program + 12-week follow-up

1 visio per week

On demand

One-hour session for personalized advice



Have Questions? We Have Answers

We understand that embarking on a health journey can come with many questions. At Kahneman & Keys, we aim to provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your health and wellness. 

Our approach integrates advanced nutritional guidance with cognitive development techniques. We believe in a holistic method that addresses both physical and mental well-being, ensuring comprehensive health improvements.

Take the First Step Towards Better Health

Don’t wait to transform your health and well-being. At Kahneman & Keys, we’re here to support you every step of the way with our personalized and holistic programs. Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, boost your cognitive abilities, or both, our expert team is ready to help you achieve your goals.